/ Faqs
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One important way for each Internet user is to help to increase the public awareness of the report office. Website operators can place a Stopline logo on their website and create a link to the Stopline website. In addition, handing out the Stopline brochure will support the raising of public awareness.
We also ask you to report any child pornographic or national socialist content that you might accidentally come across. Please do not actively search for illegal material on the Internet, as this might be illegal, even if you do it with the best intentions.
Here you will be forwarded to the download area.
Unfortunately, there is no 100% protection for your child. However, there are different kinds of filter software that you can install on your computer. But there is still the problem that not all problematic content is filtered or that harmless content is not shown.
The most effective way to protect children is giving them knowledge about the safe use of the Internet and all its contents.
On Saferinternet.at, for instance, you will get detailed information.
National Child- and Youth Protection Organisations
- www.saferinternet.at - Supports internet users – particularly children, young people, parents and teachers – regarding the safe use of Internet, mobile phones and computer games
- www.rataufdraht.at - 147 - Rat auf Draht - Telephone hotline for Children and Youth
- www.die-moewe.at - die Möwe - Child protection center for physically, mentally or sexually abused children
- www.tamar.at - Advisory office for maltreated and sexually abused women and girls
- www.kija.at - Advocacy for children and youths
- www.kinderanwalt.at – kija Styria - Hotline for child and youth law
- www.kinderrechte.gv.at - Children's rights in Austria
- www.jugendinfo.at - Austrian youth info
- www.jugendinfo.cc - Austrian youth portal
- www.jugendinfo-noe.at – Youth Info Lower Austria
- www.jugendservice.at – Youth Info Upper Austria
- www.aha.or.at – "aha" Tipps and Information for young people
- www.gemeinsam-gegen-gewalt.at – White Feather - Together for fairness and against violence
- www.sicher-im-internet.at – General security tipps around computer and internet
International Child- and Youth Protection Organisations
- www.saferinternet.org – a network of national nodes that coordinate internet safety awareness in Europe
- www.childnet.com - Childnet International - a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children
- www.blinde-kuh.de/sicherheit/ - Tipps and information around „Surf the internet“ for childrens and youth
Some more important links
- www.interpol.int – Official international Interpol website
- www.internetombudsmann.at - Information and help around the Internet
- www.bmukk.gv.at - Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture - Subsumption from important addresses and drop-in centre
- www.bmi.gv.at – Federal Ministry of the Interior
- www.bmi.gv.at/meldestellen - Report centre of the Law Enforcement Agencies, the Criminal Intelligence Service Austria is responsible for child sexual abuse and the Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism is responsible for national socialism
- www.rtr.at – Austrian Regulatory Authority for broadcasting and telecommunications
If you are unsatisfied with the work of Stopline, you can send a complaint with detailed information to beschwerde@stopline.at.
Responsible for complaints is the Stopline Board.
If you could not find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact office@stopline.at.